Sunday, December 7, 2008

adopt a mutt, follow Obama's lead

Michelle Obama was quoted as saying that the family is planning to adopt a rescue dog. PETA sent a letter to the Obama family when they heard the family was planning to get a new dog. The letter stated that a mutt should be the national dog. Hopefully the Obama listened to the letter and is why they are deciding to adopt a mutt.

I think it was a good idea for PETA to send the letter recomending that the Obama family adops a mutt in need. Since America is now looking up to Obama it will set a good example for the rest of America to follow. Hopefully this will change a lot of peoples minds and encourage them to rescue a puppy who needs a home. If more people rescue animals it will slow the business of all other company's like Pet Smart and eventually stop them from selling and torturing animals.

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